Military Escape Rooms for Adults and Teenage Players

While many organizations use escape quests as platforms for team building and bonding activities, there’s not much known about educational escape rooms yet. It is understandable, as most of the themes cannot be transformed into escape challenge gameplay; instead, they act like the background, so it’s not that easy to focus on the educational part without missing out on the fun.

With military escape quests, however, everything is different. The setting gives plenty of educational opportunities. More often than not, there’s no need to create puzzle chains and riddles from scratch. For example, if it’s a Civil War escape, a realistic entourage will give more than enough for puzzle building. Also, the surroundings can be as realistic as the creator wants them to be. But still, is there even a place for military escape quests in our world? And what makes them so relevant now, when most of the escape challenges tend to rely on movie plots and fictional scenarios?

Bright Side of Military Escape Quests

Many players avoid military escape rooms as they feel the theme is too much for them, and it’s perfectly understandable. But one shouldn’t forget that there different types of military escape adventures:

  • Based on historical events. Even if the facts are off a bit, the educational role of military quests cannot be denied. A single Cold War escape room can become the primary motivation for researching the topic and learning more about one’s history.
  • Fictional war situations. You’re in a bunker, or you’re doing espionage to save everyone, or there’s the enemy side’s top-secret operation to be prevented: there are no right borders so that everything can happen. Just like in realistic military escape quests, the players are given a background story. The setting is relatively entertaining; people describe their overall feelings as “stressed” or “conflicted,” and it comes pretty close to how we’d feel at war – even though the whole story is far from being real.
  • Training grounds. Sometimes escape rooms are used for training soldiers how to survive even in the most complicated circumstances. People get used to thinking outside of the box and try every method before giving up on getting away.

If you want your escape room experience to be entertaining and educational at the same time, visit us in Seattle! Real life quest list is updated regularly, so we’ve always got something new for you to try.